Wednesday, January 19, 2011


 It's two minutes till i have to eat!Ill make it fast! ==============me
Name: Danie Jones (my real name is so mutch longer so just call me danie other wise ill use all of the charters per post!) pet: a rescue parrot, ill name him/her later help me in coments!
If Free Time found I: sowrd fight, or tease jackie sparrow! He he he

Dad or mom: Davie and Danzille jones.... Jack sparrow's least favorite family, i cant see why?
Write a verrrry short story: <x> Bunny pirate, a rabbit that has a sowrd tail, very useless to know!
Candy/Sweet tooth:Rock Candy! Cake, cup cakes, ice cream cake, cookies, Bunt cake!

If a new kid came to school, i would : show them around, try and hang out with them teach them something!
Bffs: Devileena, Godeena, Loona, Flane,Gigi,Everyone! Almost every one not DeNile,Dean is cool though
Oh, and jackleen!, Random: Hi I AM A PIe I EAT MY SELF!
Danellielennabethsonabennasmend LooooooooooNg name!

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