Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homework very intreging!

 Well, homework is going good!Well this how to base draw!
Start with a plain base, say frankie! (copyright link!)Ok!
Now take it paint it blue, or any other color! Coolio!
Now keep going!Draw clothing Skirts, t-shirts like right here!
So Danie Jones is the very grey and pink , and parrot loving daughter.. of davie jones!
Her least favorite person is Jackie Sparwow my freind made her up i made up danie jones!
Well, I'll post her later, but her parrot is nameless! If you want help me out in the
comments! please! so im going to go and make her, again im using a base!
Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
see you later dudes! You guys are sooo coool!! I think so!

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