Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diabetes Alert!!

Bet you didn't know I knew about diabetes!  But, it's a very big problem here in America.  According to this article on Yahoo! News, about 26 MILLION Americans have diabetes, this is a nine percent increase.  This is CRAZY, people!  I mean, 1 in 12 people in America.  I know it seems like a small amount of people, but still, this is very bad.

If diabetes goes untreated, then really bad things can happen to your body.  Your blood sugar can go through the roof, which causes obesity a lot of the time.  It effects your eyes.  You can go blind or have really bad, impaired vision.  Loss of feeling from nerve damage can cause you to not feel injuries until they become really badly infected.  You can even wind up losing a limb from diabetes!  Seriously.  (This is from Google Health).

I care about all my blog viewers and everyone out there who has a bad disease!  Please take care of yourself, PLEASE! 

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