Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is consuming my life

           original home of logo
            This show has consumed my life! But, that's fine with me!
This show has a very little girl appeal, most people don't believe me when I say "I watch my little pony."
I have no reason to dislike this show of many good morals.....SO YOU HATERS HATE and I'll enjoy my new favorite show! If you don't like this show, then do me a favor and go to a different website (I'm Very serious.) Now all of you people still reading, this show is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DISLIKE!
It may sound crazy, but my little pony is viewed by, Even I am surprised at this, thirty year old men !
If they can take Twenty minutes of this, so can you!
  Let me reel you in some more, This same channel shows FRAGGLE ROCK!
Name ONE television station that still shows it! ONE, ONE!
JUST ONE! Speechless am  I Right my viewer?                                                                                                                                                                            
                                                              Good Bye.

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