Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When They Call... chapter one chapter 2 coming soon....

This is the story of an alien race trying to overpower many other planets. BUT there is a catch... ALL of this race is female! So if i have you intrigued read on...

Rarzy was miles in space, when she got a message
      "Invader Rarzy, you are approaching the correct planet as we speak." commander Evve explained,
      "Now on impact, we need you to Disguise yourself in a human form."                                                                                                                                                                          On Impact Rarzy did as instructed. EXACTLY. Her mind drifted and soon it was interrupted with a message.  Soon she was to be assigned to a certain area on this... Mysterious....Planet called "Earth."  She was taught that the meaning of BEAUTIFUL was a burning planet she always knew that that meant..Well what was standing in front of her at that moment? A tiny house made of cherry wood logs in the middle of two willow trees seeming as sad as a burnt bunt cake. As she drew her eyes from the still AMAZING willow trees she saw the gem of it all:  The Sunset.  It was a twisted mixture of pinks, oranges, and assorted reds. She was also assigned a GIRL unit which was a robot about the size of a medium dog on it's back paws. Her name was LUVBUG.

And so began her journey...
                                                        END OF CHAPTER ONE!

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