Tuesday, February 1, 2011


That's what some people are calling the huge snowstorm hitting Chicago tonight.  My Grandmother is in the snow storm right now.  Winds are up to 60 miles per hour and the snow drifts are going to be up to six or seven feet!!  (citation: http://www.chicagoweathercenter.com/).   This makes me feel sad because I think my Grandma won't be okay after it happens.  My Uncle has snow tires and can get her out of her house if she needs to go.  I used to have a lot of fun in the snow but now I'm kind of scared of it. 

To prepare for a snow storm like this, you need water, food, medicine if you are sick, and blankets.  You should also have candles or little lanterns and matches.  Some people even get generators in case power goes down. 

They're saying it's going to improve slowly tomorrow, thank you for reading.  Be careful of the snow storm if you live in Chicago. 

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