Thursday, February 24, 2011

The news..

 well CBS Warner has cancelled TWO AN A HALF MEN! the best sitcom since The Brady Bunch!
I mean really, why?!  That's their best show and the only one I watch on CBS!! I love it because of the lack of charm! I mean it's a sitcom about two brothers that live together also living with Allen's young son who is not so YOUNG anymore he's like eighteen or some other teen age number...I'm TIRED SHUT UP! But that show was so funny! Even the kid was hilarious! the show was before family guy so I was interested in it so soon it was a family thing! That was when I was little. Ohh memories! But anyway Cancelling this show is the DUMBEST idea ever CBS! Listen to the republic of your veiwers!
Think of the laughs you'll ruin! Not to mention my family memories! Charlie Sheen isn't umm..."Right"
theese days BUT you could have just post-ponned it for a while! I HATE YOU CBS!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


 Well, I'm bored so I'm going to give you more tips to survive life,
      NEVER insult a girl for Chicago, or you might wake up without a identity,
   DO NOT eat the sidewalk LITERALLY NOT metaphorically.That's fine!
Don't eat out frequently, just once a month maybe twice.
Pay attention in class and or in university i am serious.
Well that's just about it except for a couple of things BUT WHO WILL FILL
IN  THE BLANKS????You guys will in the comments! Here's the dealio
you pick your life rules they can be yours, someone else's ANY rule you can think of.
                                      BYE NOW

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

once upon a time......

 Once there was a square. With pink hair in a simple ponytail... she was often was random......ON A JOURNEY TO SUPER BOX LAND she saw a mary jane about to crush two....Dots randomly dancing?
So she suddenly randomly dancing too, they never saw her, but she danced anyway. While im talking about squares she found a square with orang curly ponytails loking for the MAAAAAAAAAAAAGIC candy bar of sparkle,SPARKLE. They kept looking for the sparkle candy bar and they found it, well eventually , but still it took a while on the way they saw THREE sites

First site was a dot named Sammy with LOOONG pig tails,
the second was a triangle named Tiwa with three pig tails and barrets,
the final was an orange coat named Twilie who..was..a boy?....No a thing!
____________________________________________________________ Epoluge
       Not one of my best works of words.... IM TIERED BE QUIET!
this is my first one once upon a time one so the series is kind of rushed so don't judge!
                             Bye now,
love peace HEATH GIRL POWER!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Once upon a time...

there was a black dot.  She had blonde pigtails and often, carried around a pink dot on her head.  She was running around in a field and then she saw something HUGE come over her.  It was a shoe.  A little girl's Mary Jane shoe.  It nearly stepped on her when, all of a sudden, a grey dot saved her.  

The grey dot, for whatever reason, had blue hair in a simple ponytail and was very adventurous.  Which is exactly why she saw the black dot about to be squished by a Mary Jane.  She was trying to find a maaaaagical flower that was orange and yellow and red and pink.  So, they continued to look for the magical multicolored flower when they saw the Mary Jane shoe for the second time on their adventure.  So they ran...well, more like they hopped...far away from the shoe in question.  Until eventually, they found the multicolored magical flower with the dots all over it, and the magical multicolored flower was creating magical disco lights and they all lived in the magical flower for the rest of their natural dot lives. 

And that, is the end, of their adventure.     

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring BORING BORRRRRRRRRRRRRING

AS the title suggests, life is very Boring today, No weird things to report just A Couple Of Facts.....
  • In a horror movie you survive longer if you Listen to the GOTHIE than if you listen to THE CHEERLEADER
  • The princess bride is FUNNY.FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY in my opinion.
  • 30 days of night is SCARY  and VERY coated with vampires.... THAT DON'T SPARKLE!
  • If you have a bulldog... you need A LOT of air freshener
  • Watch The wizzard of Oz seven times for total ''Huh?''I SWEAR.
  • Candy is NOT heathy..... Ok MAYBE a little Tiny Bitty Bit.
  • Ten is a Three letter word that is neT backwords... Yep..... BYE!
                        NOT MY BEST WORK.....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bullg dogs Puggies and newfies!

 The Bully Dog-
    This Stocky Wrinkly Brachycephalic Dogs are SO adorable! These dogs live for Eight To Ten years, Cannot swim, and have breathing problems. Also they Overheat easily, and there eyes can pop out of Their large heads. They Make Me LAUGH When They Run! They have a VERY funny run.

 Short, cute, funny Pugs are very Cartoonish And Very Silly! Like Bullies, they cannot swim and have wrinkles and  breathing problems and Their  eyes can pop out.

 Big Fuzzy LOVABLE and saved Napoleon Bonaparte on his way back from excile and are called Nanny Dogs Because they do SO well with chilren! Couch potato-Ish and CAN be very enerjetic. So If a child goes swimming send a newfoundland out with them, they are natural swimmers, and lifegaurds.
                               Bye now!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Valentine's DEATH!

      "Three people dead this year all in one day." Headlined the news  Febuary 13, 1998, the day before Valentine's Day, what Val didn't know was that His gift would be the gift of four DEAD FRIENDS. That night "Klank, KLaNk KKKLANK." from the inside of Joseph's bedroom (Before I go on and ON I'd like to state this story IS NOT REAL Tuck children under the age of 5 in to bed.) The room filled with fog, Joe died, he was allegic to laughing gas.....Deadly allergic. The funeral was the next day. Soon Josey died she was allergic to poppy seeds Approxamatley ten could make her pass out, twenty would make her go into a coma, more...well you get the point. Marilyn passed away unexpectedly after a party.... with wine.... SPIKED WINE....SPIKED WITH POISIN. But The last death was the worst.... HIS GIRLFREIND who was allergic to Newsprint one MILLION news papers were found stuffed in her covers. AT LEAST thats how Crazy MAN Val tells it.
          10 rules to survive a horror film.
  2. NO showers NONE!
  3. DO NOT sprint upstairs like a chiken with it's head cut off.
  4. Don't run into the STEAM filled showers!
  5. Never stay in one place.
  6. UNLESS your desperate don't listen to the Jock, unless he's smart.
  7. Listen To The Person Who's Watched Most Horror Films OR AT LEAST THE BUNNY VERSIONS!
  9. NEVER EVER follow the sound of a ghost or killer beconing your name.
  10. NO ROMANCE!!!! or falling in love with the killer, monster or demon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

That's What Happens Man! preview

(Before you get confused these are friends in kindergarten, one has stuck a CRAYON in his nose!)

''Well, I warned you!" Crista practically yelled at Adam. 

''I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDDING!!!" he yelled back nearly in hysterics. 

''WHEN have I lied to you, Adam?'' she asked him aggravated, ''Don't answer that, Adam."


"Im going to pull it out, relax.."

One bloody nose and MILLLIONS of apologies later:

"You okay Adam?" Crista calmly asked Adam on the playground.

"Yeah, I'm.. I'm fine..." he answered a little distracted.

''Hey, what are looking at?''

"Kickball game.''

''Kick ball? that's boring!''                                       
                                                                                                                                                                          Well this is most of the book so what do you guys think?
Should I make a larger post about this? Comment what you think!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When They Call... chapter one chapter 2 coming soon....

This is the story of an alien race trying to overpower many other planets. BUT there is a catch... ALL of this race is female! So if i have you intrigued read on...

Rarzy was miles in space, when she got a message
      "Invader Rarzy, you are approaching the correct planet as we speak." commander Evve explained,
      "Now on impact, we need you to Disguise yourself in a human form."                                                                                                                                                                          On Impact Rarzy did as instructed. EXACTLY. Her mind drifted and soon it was interrupted with a message.  Soon she was to be assigned to a certain area on this... Mysterious....Planet called "Earth."  She was taught that the meaning of BEAUTIFUL was a burning planet she always knew that that meant..Well what was standing in front of her at that moment? A tiny house made of cherry wood logs in the middle of two willow trees seeming as sad as a burnt bunt cake. As she drew her eyes from the still AMAZING willow trees she saw the gem of it all:  The Sunset.  It was a twisted mixture of pinks, oranges, and assorted reds. She was also assigned a GIRL unit which was a robot about the size of a medium dog on it's back paws. Her name was LUVBUG.

And so began her journey...
                                                        END OF CHAPTER ONE!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


That's what some people are calling the huge snowstorm hitting Chicago tonight.  My Grandmother is in the snow storm right now.  Winds are up to 60 miles per hour and the snow drifts are going to be up to six or seven feet!!  (citation:   This makes me feel sad because I think my Grandma won't be okay after it happens.  My Uncle has snow tires and can get her out of her house if she needs to go.  I used to have a lot of fun in the snow but now I'm kind of scared of it. 

To prepare for a snow storm like this, you need water, food, medicine if you are sick, and blankets.  You should also have candles or little lanterns and matches.  Some people even get generators in case power goes down. 

They're saying it's going to improve slowly tomorrow, thank you for reading.  Be careful of the snow storm if you live in Chicago.