Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sonic is the BOMB!!!

     girl sonic maker This isn't madness..THIS IS SONICCCCCCCCCC!!!  (This is Spartaaaa!) for all sonic lovers like me!  If you REALLY  know me you know for a fact that I LOVE the '80's ,and who's one of the most AWESOME game icons of the 1980's?!?  SONIC,duh!   Some friends and I  made a game "SONIC HOUSE" my charter is Bailey the tiger rawr!
Pretty kitty lady!


  1. Artful Blogger,
    I am glad to see that you put another post on already! You are doing a great job!! One piece of input I have, if I may: if you remember, we talked about copyright rules: for example, you know how I go to great lengths to make sure nobody can use my photos without permssion, right? So what I try to do is when I use other people's artwork, I either need to get permission first, or if that is not possible, at the minimum I need to put a link in my post that leads my readers back to the site that I got the images from. That way the artist who created the work gets credit. Even better would be your own artwork, your own version of what you want to show- that's the stuff that will make your site unique and cool. You can draw it and scan it, as you did in the "Mcdonald's" post. Overall you are doing a GREAT job and I am going to start showing this blog off to some people I know if that's OK. I am sure they will be impressed.

  2. Mr.schwartz,
    i left a link the first 3 words,and im just sharing my fav game!
    hopes gets good progress,

  3. BTW,full credit to chinserony!(may have inncorect spelling!) Her Quote - Momo~ ;]
