Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First time blogger here, please be nice...

Hello, bloggers and non-bloggers!  I'm new at this and beg for you to leave kind comments, and if there are no comments that shows you how much of a newbsauce I am!

Anyway, welcome to my blog, The Artful Blogger.  I'm in 4th grade, act like an adult (sometimes) and have an adult sense of humor.  My interests are, sketching and writing ,but I LOVE to read! I am not the BEST at math but I'm OK!  You may notice that the background will change through the seasons were I live, if they aren't the same were you live I'm sorry :[ but were I live it's fall (hence the background!) I hope SOMEONE reads this!


  1. This looks like a million bucks! Now unleash some of your great ideas and thinking, and maybe scane some artwork and post it. The stuff you have submitted in class, with the illustrations and captions, is top notch.

  2. By the way you can put a blog counter and it will show how many people have visited. It's fun to know that.
