Monday, December 27, 2010

MERRY, MERRY, MERRY  LATE-MAS!                                                                                   
                   I am SO sorry I forgot to post on X-MAS!
I hope you all had a great X-MAS!

                                                          BEAUTIFUL NOEL,
                                                         ARTFUL BLOGGER

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

cutest blog evar!

          hello-O! How are you peoples today!?!?!
I'm happy! why? because my fav deviantart person, steffene (link) has a blog so go check it out!                Steffene secrets blog link

Friday, December 10, 2010


IF you scrool down, there is a wolf, look right and there is a hammster! There so cute OH! There is also a countdown to X-MAS!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


WAZZUP! just feel like A bloggin'! Who says you  HAVE to blog about important stuff! Even though, its al most X-Mas so yayz! M
                                        O  MMMMMMM
                            O MMMMMMMMMMMMMM
                         O                  IIIIIII                  O
                                              IIIIIII     O X-Mas tree, o X-MAS tree how lovely are theye brances!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

kitteh world info!

Not my BEST penmenship but pretty good. The colors are the key, so read the key! I made this a couple of weeks ago but, me and my teacher REALLY liked it!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OMG! kitteh!

   I found someone on Blogspot that blogs about his kitty! YAY FOR KITTIES! I also have a cat named, Meow, he's a orange and yellow tabby cat you know Gairfield? That is what my looks like! HE REFUSES TO COME INSIDE, and Way stealthier than his cat!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Sorry, I know that I failed to post the WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF________ THIS SUNDAY AND I APOLOGIZE for this just saying sorry!!!!

     On a happier note winter break is next week on the 17th yay!  TIME FOR THE LIGHTS TO GO UP, AND THE GLOVES TO GO OFF! But yeah, X-mas is a very happy time in my family, watching X-mas specials, eating X-mas ham!

                                                        PEACEFUL NOEL ^_^,
                                                                  THE ARTFUL BLOGGER.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December! Winter break, and X-Mas!

As you can see I have a new back round! Yay for December! NOW I CAN WRITE IN WHITE!

                                                    THE ARTFUL BLOGGER

Monday, November 29, 2010

Announcement people!

I will be posting a what would you do if's on every Sunday.  If I do not accomplish this act, please remind me in the comments, PLEASE remind me!  This will continue as long as I can find my own creative ones....

                                                   THANK YOU, AND PEACE,
                                                               The Artful Blogger

Sunday, November 21, 2010

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF_______________________

 What would you do if your legs turned into Miley Cyrus
What would you do if your hands became penguins and your face became not penguins
What would you do if a lama came into your room, punched you, and called you a fat kid
What would you do if a Blue lobster Bat man came into your house and killled your head                      
What would do if you were playing life and the game board burst into over 9000 pieces
Most "WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF's"were  NOT appropriate so blame this dude!>>>>>link to video

leave a comment about your answers C Fony Mony ^_^

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sonic is the BOMB!!!

     girl sonic maker This isn't madness..THIS IS SONICCCCCCCCCC!!!  (This is Spartaaaa!) for all sonic lovers like me!  If you REALLY  know me you know for a fact that I LOVE the '80's ,and who's one of the most AWESOME game icons of the 1980's?!?  SONIC,duh!   Some friends and I  made a game "SONIC HOUSE" my charter is Bailey the tiger rawr!
Pretty kitty lady!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Micky D's is BAD for you!

Micky D's is worse for you than you think!  It doesn't decompose!  GROSS!

Read it here: info on non-decomposing happy meal

Yeah...not good!

I MEAN REALLY 6 MONTHS AND NO DECAY!  Who knows what their "REAL FRUIT"smoothies are made of!  It is groooooss!Please, PLEASE do NOT buy this for obscene amounts of cash!  I beg you!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First time blogger here, please be nice...

Hello, bloggers and non-bloggers!  I'm new at this and beg for you to leave kind comments, and if there are no comments that shows you how much of a newbsauce I am!

Anyway, welcome to my blog, The Artful Blogger.  I'm in 4th grade, act like an adult (sometimes) and have an adult sense of humor.  My interests are, sketching and writing ,but I LOVE to read! I am not the BEST at math but I'm OK!  You may notice that the background will change through the seasons were I live, if they aren't the same were you live I'm sorry :[ but were I live it's fall (hence the background!) I hope SOMEONE reads this!